DANUBIUS-RI Mission is to facilitate excellent science on the continuum from river source to sea; to offer state-of-the art research infrastructure; and to provide the integrated knowledge required to sustainably manage and protect River-Sea Systems.
DANUBIUS-RI Vision is to achieve healthy River-Sea Systems and advance their sustainable use, in order to live within the planet’s ecological limits by 2050.
DANUBIUS-RI will be a pan-European distributed research infrastructure supporting interdisciplinary research on large River Sea Systems.
DANUBIUS-RI will fill the gap of fragmented research on European research on RS systems, drawing on existing research excellence across Europe, enhancing the impact of European research while maximizing the return on investment. It will provide access to a range of European RS systems, facilities and expertise; a one-stop shop for knowledge exchange in managing river-sea systems; access to harmonized data; and a platform for interdisciplinary research, inspiration, education and training.
The research infrastructure will comprise of a Hub, a Data Centre, a Technology Transfer Office, an eLearning Office, Nodes and Supersites across Europe.
The Hub will provide leadership, coordination, and key scientific, educational and analytical capabilities.
Nodes will be centres of expertise providing facilities and services, data storage and provision, experimental and in situ measurements facilities, state-of-the-art analytical capabilities and implementation of standardized procedures and quality control.
Supersites will be designated natural sites that provide the focus for observation, research and modelling at locations of high scientific importance and utilizing a range of opportunities to study RS systems from river source to coastal sea.
This structure will enable DANUBIUS-RI to build on existing expertise and synergies to support world-leading interdisciplinary research and innovation in freshwater-marine research.
DANUBIUS-RI is applying for designation as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium)